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GPU 논문 - Multi-GPU system에서의 local memory간 통신 최적화 본문

논문 리뷰

GPU 논문 - Multi-GPU system에서의 local memory간 통신 최적화

내가하루다 2022. 1. 13. 16:03



PROACT presentation

Efficient Multi-GPU Shared Memory via Automatic Optimization of Fine-Grained Transfers Paper review by Yunchae Choi ISCA 21, June 2021 University of Michigan - Harini Muthukrishnan, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Thomas F. Wenisch NVIDIA - David Nellans, Daniel Lusti


ISCA21 에서 발표된 Efficient multi-gpu shared memory via automatic optimization of fine-grained transfers

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